
The Yantra Project

A yantra is a geometrical composition consisting of shapes such as the triangle, circle and square in numerous combinations and permutations that have symbolic significance in meditation and ritual worship. From a design standpoint, the visual language of the yantra merits appreciation because of its sophisticated systems-based approach that uses a basic set of shapes (and sounds) in numerous configurations to represent a range of deities and metaphysical concepts. A yantra is in equal parts visual and aural because the sacred syllables or mantras nested within the angles of various interpenetrating shapes help to activate the visual space of the yantra. The Yantra Project is a self initiated project that is currently in progress.

The adroitly designed system of the yantra serves as a great example because it employs a few basic geometric shapes to create a range of visual forms dedicated to different deities.

The adroitly designed system of the yantra serves as a great example because it employs a few basic geometric shapes to create a range of visual forms dedicated to different deities.

Storytelling and information design to convey the expanding consciousness of the aspirant

Storytelling and information design to convey the expanding consciousness of the aspirant

A yantra’s beauty lies in the transformational experience it creates for ritual aspirants who engage with it. The ethos of this experience has evolved over several hundred years and can be comprehended fully by agglomerating several related concepts into one large system. The application of the yantra in meditation and concepts associated with its evolution need to be presented as an information-graphic to show the big picture, and in the process reveal a complex hierarchy of contextual relationships between various interdependent metaphysical concepts. “The properties of the parts are not intrinsic properties but can be understood only within the context of the larger whole.” As Edward Tufte, a renowned author of several books on information design puts it, “data-graphics help reveal data at several levels of detail from broad overview to the fine structure.” This is the first time that such an approach is being taken to in relation to this topic with the intent to use design as a vehicle to make cultural heritage contemporary.

Ritual implements modeled in Cinema4D

Ritual implements modeled in Cinema4D

Yantras are essentially temporal in nature, compacted with events in a concentrated form that compress space and time; the diagrams expand in correspondence with the spiritual ascent of an aspirant.

Yantras are essentially temporal in nature, compacted with events in a concentrated form that compress space and time; the diagrams expand in correspondence with the spiritual ascent of an aspirant.

Relational design

Relational design

This project will visually explain the relational aspects that influence the design of yantras by presenting the interconnectedness between reading systems (reader expectation, how the aspirants interpret the messages), formal systems (visual and physical systems that exert force on yantra practice, traditions) and language system (components of visual language of yantras, syntax and semantics). What is equally fascinating is also the discipline with which ritual artists have followed this system for centuries, embracing its many constraints while staying true to the vision of the rishis or “seers.”




The entire research on this topic has been mapped out as a large concept map that helps reveal a complex hierarchy of contextual relationships between various interdependent metaphysical concepts. The information is divided into seven categories: deity motif, design principles, emotional and psychological needs of the aspirant, guru-sishya parampara(teacher-student relationship)/mantra diksa, human body, mantra or divine sound and the core ideas of Indian thought.
