


Shravan Rajagopal


Digital Publication for Visual IQ

Worked with Joshua Downs and David Hammer, Formative Design (, Seattle, WA, March 2017


Inzone Mobile

UI design for Inzone App and Microsite

Worked with Sandeep Srinivasan, Feb-March 2017

Branding and UI Design for Error Tracking Application

Worked with Srivatsan Srinivasan, Feb-March 2017

Presentation Design

Worked with Alice Sage, Celerity Solutions, Jan-Feb 2017 



Branding for Formative;  Animation (MoGraph) for Visual IQ & Sage IQ

Worked with Joshua Downs, Creative Director, Formative, Seattle, WA (, Sep 2016


Srinidhi Capital & Srinidhi Group

A one page website for US/Canada/Chennai-based Investment Fund (

Worked with Pushya Srivatsan, Aug 2016


Branding for Astra, ERP and IFS services

Branding for Astra's three core ERP products. Fast AP, Fast Docs and Auto Archive. I also helped refine their existing identity.  

Worked with Chris Peters, Marketing Lead and Naren Velu, CEO of Astra, May 2016


Website redesign for One Heart World-Wide

ONE HEART WORLD-WIDE (OHW) is a 501(c)3 organization with over 15 years of experience implementing maternal and neonatal mortality prevention programs in areas, where women often die alone at home giving birth. 

Worked with Mona Schweitzer, Franziska Bussiek and Arlene Samen, May-Aug 2016


UI/UX Design, Inzone Mobile

Brand identity design, App icon development, Guideline development, wireframing and user interface design for a functionally rich location-based iOS tracking app that ­connects friends and family. Download InZone from the App Store

Worked with Sandeep Srinivasan, CEO, Intone Mobile, May-Nov 2015


UI Design, Tingtong

Wireframing and UI Design for an iOS, on-demand delivery app for the Indian market.  

Worked with Girish Hariharasubramaniam, project lead for Tingtong, Sep 2015


Freelance Designer, Invicara

Design and layout of print stationery and presentation slides for BIM (Building ­Information Management) startup.

Worked with Marty Chobot, Vice President of Marketing, June 2015


Associate Professor, Design & Computer Art, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI

I worked as an Associate professor for seven years. I taught 100- to 400-level courses focussing on typography, layout, data visualization and design for web and mobile. Also conducted academic advising and mentored students through junior review and senior thesis. Served on internal and external committees in the university. Conducted research and was awarded 4 internal grant awards. Awarded tenure and promotion in April 2014. 

Worked with my colleagues, Professor Jane Milkie and Associate Professor Keith Ellis in the design department, Aug 2008-Jun 2015


Freelance Designer,

Curated icons for Zappos analytics and business Strategy software.

Worked with Rajesh Krishnan, CEO, Celerity Solutions, Nov 2014


Data Visualization, Information Visualization Lab, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Notable projects: Design and creative direction for large maps in Places and ­Spaces exhibit and a collaborative project for info vis competition titled geographic ­visualization of technology data in the US.

School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Worked with Katy Borner, Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science




School of Motion, Animation Bootcamp

MFA, Design, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Graduate and Undergraduate Coursework in Design at NC State University, Raleigh, North Carolina

Undergraduate Degree in Accounting and Finance, University of Madras / Loyola College, Chennai, India