
Inzone Mobile

Brand identity design, App icon development, Guideline development, wireframing and user interface design for a functionally rich location-based iOS tracking app that connects friends and family. 

Inzone is a mobile app that lets you send and request messages from friends, messages that come alive in the future based on location, time and proximity to other users.

Inzone is a mobile app that lets you send and request messages from friends, messages that come alive in the future based on location, time and proximity to other users.


Key Characteristics: Location, Time, Movement, Events and Proximity.

Key Characteristics: Location, Time, Movement, Events and Proximity.


Inzone cuts through the tedium of texting—it is much more efficient in how we let our circle of close family and friends know of our location.

Inzone cuts through the tedium of texting—it is much more efficient in how we let our circle of close family and friends know of our location.

Brand is more than a logo

Brand is more than a logo

Branded interaction design sits at the cusp of branding and navigation, and addresses two questions: What do you want users to know? What do you want your users to do? The best options are explored for efficiently sharing information and successfully directing user flow. 



The logo and some of the graphic elements were animated in After Effects as an extension of the branding. Some parts of this will be used in promotional videos online and will also inform the onboarding for the iPhone app. 

The mark as an interface element

The mark as an interface element

One of the ideas explored  by Sandeep (CEO of Inzone) was to use the main mark (location icon) as an interface element. Shown above is the favorites screen that shows the mark and the top seven people with whom the user exchanges messages. There were some drawbacks to doing this, mainly that the photos are never as clearly curated they are on this mock-up and that made the UI cluttered. This functionality however is part of the current iteration of the app and is in the process of being refined. 



 Different colors were chosen strategically to communicate the main function of the app, which is to connect family and friends. In India, for example, where safety is an issue, family members can notify each other of their location. In that context,

Different colors were chosen strategically to communicate the main function of the app, which is to connect family and friends. In India, for example, where safety is an issue, family members can notify each other of their location. In that context, safety becomes the main concern. Whatever the scenario, using different colors gave enough flexibility to communicate the core function of the app. 

Download Inzone on the App Store

Download Inzone on the App Store

InZone on the Apple App Store